I decided this year to take part in the 5th Edition of 36DaysOfType, an annual design challenge hosted on Instagram. I managed to make it to the end having completed a letter for each day, and even got featured a couple of times by the organisation too, which was a real boost to keep on producing content. Balancing this with work and an nasty illness which I was suffering from during the middle stage of the challenge made this a lot harder than I imagined - but it it really did push me creatively, and I learnt a lot throughout the process.


'36 Days of restless creativity, where participants are challenged to design a letter or number each day, resulting an outcome of the ability to represent the same symbol from many different perspectives.'

'A project that aims to be a space for creation around typography an its endless graphic possibilities.'

- 36Days



In the gallery below, I have shared some of my creations from the 36 days that I am happiest with.

Click images to expand.


#D by @james.tf

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#Y by @james.tf

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