The above is a viewport render from Cinema 4D. The scene, for once, is actually a relatively simple one. The original painting (below) depicts the Mars Lander skimming across the Martian surface on skis. This was the initial idea of how a spacecraft would land on the Red Planet. Of course, now we know that a vertical landing, aided by either a parachute or thrusters, would be the most likely scenario.
My initial plan was to simulate the craft skimming across the surface. However, given that I’m a one-man band with many shots to get through, I made the decision to instead have the craft at a halt and introduce some movement into the shot with an explorer returning to the lander.
As for the craft itself, I created a hybrid between two concepts: the one seen in the painting below and another taken from the cover of The Exploration of Mars (1956). I was lucky enough to find a nearly pristine copy of this book in a charity/thrift shop—they are very hard to find and usually very expensive!