Rockets, rocks, planets, people and more. This will be a tribute film to Chesley Bonestell, re-imagining a number of his artworks in an immersive experience.

The film will be released in Cinemascope format, making the environments even more captivating. A number of shots will also be delivered as standalone experiences in full 360 VR. See you on Titan.


If you’re interested in keeping up with the project, it’s creation will be documented here on this Blog.

DREAMT FUTURES: Bonestell coming soon page.

~ James

GUI Fun!

I’ve been messing around with World Creator recently, and wanted to give myself a small project to create some terrain for. I’m amazed at the speed you can generate some complex landscapes in, and i’m a real fan of the workflow! Here’s what I managed to whip up after a couple of days of experimentation: